· 1 min read

A policy is in effect on your computer which prevents you from connecting to this print queue

I received this error after browsing to \\server\printershare, right-clicking and selecting connect, it proceeded as normal then the error was thrown, removing KB3170455 will resolve the issue.

You can check if it’s installed by opening PowerShell and running:-

get-hotfix KB3170455

this will return a list if it’s installed. You can remove it from the command line (doesn’t appear to be a PowerShell cmdlet at this time) by running: -

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3114409 /norestart /quiet

KB3170455 seems to be the causing this issue and removing it will resolve the issue. I’ve not figured a how to install the printer without removing this update.  If you have one then please post it in the comments.

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